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Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Here. Still Can't Find What You're Looking For? Contact Us and We'll Help You!

Hemp plants in field

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a (non-psychoactive) variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products. It is one of the fastest growing plants and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago. It can be refined into a wide variety of sustainable commercial products including paper, textiles, clothing, food, nutraceuticals, bio-degradable plastics, paint, construction materials, biofuel, and animal feed.

Hemp can be used to clean soil and water, and is an important rotation crop for farmers. This makes it an excellent choice to incorporate in  models of regenerative agriculture. Learn more about hemp here.

What is Hemp History Week?

Hemp History Week is the largest educational campaign about hemp in the U.S. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the environmental sustainability, health benefits, regenerative agriculture potential, and new technological applications of industrial hemp. Each year in June, hundreds of grassroots hemp supporters and retail stores celebrate hemp during Hemp History Week. Join us!


Hemp History Week  is an industry-wide initiative of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA), which is a 501 (c) (6) non-profit. Learn more about the HIA here.

HIACON - Amber & Ryann_edited.jpg
Hemp farmers

When is Hemp History Week?

Hemp History Week is celebrated June 3-9, 2019. During this week, hundreds of grassroots and retailer hemp events will take place throughout the country!


Good to know is that June is not the only time hemp will be put in the spotlight. We welcome all approved hemp education efforts (registered in time) taking place from the second half of April to the end of the year to join the campaign. We hope we will join us this year in celebrating hemp!


Find events near you on our event listing page.

Who can join the campaign?

Anyone passionate about hemp and hemp education:

  • Hemp advocates

  • Hemp farmers

  • Hemp researchers

  • Companies making hemp products

  • Retailers selling hemp products

Scott Perez - Colorado Hemp Farmer - 201

How much does it cost to

join the Hemp History Week campaign?

Joining our campaign by signing up a grassroots event or retail store is FREE!

We will be sending free campaign materials to 250 grassroots events, and registered retail stores in all states. Be sure to also check out our free digital resources! 


Margaret Mackenzie Hemp

How many consumers does

the campaign’s Retailer Program reach?

Hemp Fresh Thyme Farmers Market

Hemp History Week elevates hemp at the retail, grassroots, and digital levels; encompassing 1500 retailers, 250+ events in all 50 states to generate earned media over 90 million impressions. Visit this page to learn more about the Retailer Program.

What are the requirements to be a Retail partner?

1.  Have a physical “brick and mortar” retail location.

2. Carry Hemp History Week partner brand products as purchased through natural food and body care distributor and/or direct from the manufacturer.

3. Sign up for program participation through the campaign website.

If your store doesn't meet these requirements, there are many other ways to get involved with the campaign through our robust Grassroots program. Learn more here!

Hemp Products Event

My store carries several other hemp products that are not sponsoring the campaign. Can the store also promote these during Hemp History Week?

Hemp Bag

While we’re grateful for all hemp businesses in the industry, the campaign is directly supported and made possible by our sponsors. We appreciate your cooperation on only including campaign sponsors in promotions at this time!

Is there an opportunity for

E-Retailers to support Hemp History Week ?

Hemp Products

Please send us an email with your engagement ideas, and let's discuss!

I want to educate my community about hemp. What can I do?

Great news! You can join us by organizing your own educational Hemp History Week event (see next).


Another way to support the campaign is by sharing our social media and website content with your friends. In this way, they can also learn about the many benefits of hemp!

We appreciate your support!

Female Black Farmer
FAQ What is a HHW Gr Event
Preston Hall - Hemp Education

What is a Hemp History Week

grassroots event?

A Hemp History Week event is an event that celebrates hemp, educates its participants about the many benefits of the plant, and encourages them to Take Action! Examples of events are:


  • Hemp documentary screening

  • Hemp clothing fashion show

  • Benefit concert

  • Retail store celebration

  • Hemp foods sampling or cooking demonstration

  • CBD workshop or demo

  • Café special

  • Tabling at a street fair

  • Talk at your local library

  • Hemp arts and crafts fair

  • Booth at a farmers’ market

  • Table on a college campus

  • Workshop or presentation at a retail store

  • Hemp planting event at your farm

  • …and so much more

How will Hemp History Week support my event?

  • Once you have registered your event and it has been approved, it will be promoted on our event listing page.

  • We provide you with various free digital resources to help you plan a successful event.

  • We send a free campaign kit to 250 registered events each year. The kit contains a hemp t-shirt, stickers, buttons, postcards, and other educational materials.

  • We’re happy to help promote your event on our social media channels. Please send us your graphics (file format .jpg /.png) or copy for a post 4 weeks before the event date. If you create a Facebook event, we can also add it to our Hemp History Week Facebook page.

Hemp History Week
Hemp Campaign Materials

Will I receive educational materials for my grassroots event?

Each year, we send a free event kit with educational materials to the top 250 events that have registered on our website. Most events will receive a kit.


If you won’t receive a kit, we will let you know in advance, and you will still be able to create a successful event using the free digital resources that we have available on our website!

FAQ Grassroot Kit Materials Anchor

Will I receive free hemp product samples for my grassroots event?

Each year, our campaign sponsors send free hemp product samples to grassroots events. Examples of these are hemp soap, beverage, CBD, and seed samples. Each brand manages internally which and how many events they can support with these samples, and our campaign can't predict for you which or how many samples you will receive. Therefore, we recommend to approach the samples not as the basis of, but rather as a fun bonus to your event!

Hemp product samples
hemp t-shirt

What is in the grassroots event kit?

The kit contains a campaign t-shirt, stickers, buttons, postcards, and Take Action! materials.

There are two different kit sizes available, each with different quantities of materials.


You will receive your kit at least two days ahead of your event, or earlier.

What other resources can I use to organize my event?

We have various free digital resources available for you on our Event Download Center, like posters,  event, planning tools, a template for a press release and more. Check it out!

hemp plant
hemp buds dried

I want to take political action for hemp. What can I do?

You can visit our Take Action! page, and learn how you can get involved. Our campaign has a strong ally in Hemp Roundtable (USHRT) for political action.


USHRT is a non-profit advocacy organization made up of over 60 hemp industry leaders working hard to secure passage of State and Federal hemp legislation. Their goal is to establish hemp as an agricultural commodity and support the hemp industry as a whole. Check out their website and to sign up as a Hemp Supporter!

I have a hemp business and want to be more connected in the industry. What can I do?

Become a member of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA)! The HIA provides a friendly forum for hemp businesses around the world. The organization has been serving members of the hemp industry since 1994 and has over 1000 global members. HIA members are involved in hemp farming, processing, research, product development, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and education. Members network and support one another through the exchange of ideas and the sharing of information and expertise. ​Learn more here.

Hemp Industries Association
Hemp drying barn

How can I become a Hemp History Week sponsor?

Contact us to learn more about sponsorship opportunities!


We still have great sponsorship opportunities available for the campaign and our press event in June.

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