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Find Info on Hemp, the Campaign, Media Resources,

Our Supporters, FAQ, and Event Photography Here!


Anchor About What is Hemp

What is Hemp?



Hemp is a fiber and oil-seed crop with deep roots in American history. It can be grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be incorporated into thousands of products, including textiles, paper products, animal foods, construc-tion materials, health foods, organic body care, and nutraceuticals. Today, consu-mers all over the nation increasingly embrace the innovative and sustainable potential of this marvelous plant! Learn more here.

Hemp field hemp plants
Anchor About Hemp History Week
Hemp farmer field

Hemp Week


Hemp Week is the largest national educational campaign to renew strong support for hemp farming in the U.S. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the environmental sustainability, health benefits, regenerative agriculture potential, and new technological applications of industrial hemp. 


Hemp Week is an industry-wide initiative of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA). Learn more about us here and join our campaign!

In the Media



Stay up to date by reading the latest Hemp Week news, or dig into our campaign archives to explore how the movement has grown over the years!

Franny Tacy hemp farmer
Anchor About In the Media
Anchor About Campaign Supporters
hemp products

Campaign Supporters


Hemp Week is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, celebrity endorsers, partners, and advocates like you. Thank you everyone!

Anchor About FAQ


Curious about the campaign or how you can join the movement and become a grassroots organizer? Find the answers to these and many other frequently asked questions here.

hemp buds dried
Anchor About Event Photography
Hemp History Week event


A picture speaks more than a thousand words. Explore highlights from our annual Hemp Week celebrations on our event photography page, and get inspired to get involved and organize your own hemp event!

Event Photography

Hemp Week

Hemp Week is the largest educational campaign about hemp in the U.S. The campaign raises awareness about the environmental sustainability, health benefits, regenerative agriculture potential, and new technological applications of industrial hemp. 

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© 2020 Hemp Week® - a campaign by the HIA® |  Terms of Use  |   Privacy Policy

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